About gutMGene v1.0

gutMGene: a comprehensive database for target genes of gut microbes and microbial metabolites

Metagenomic sequencing of fecal samples has identified 3.3×106 non-redundant microbial genes from up to 1,500 different species. One of the contributions of gut microbiota to host biology is the circulating pool of bacterially derived small-molecule metabolites. It has been estimated that 10% of metabolites found in mammalian blood are derived from the gut microbiota, where they can produce systemic effects on the host through activating or inhibiting gene expression. Currently, detailed information on target genes of gut microbes and microbial metabolites is scattered in literatures and no online repository is available for collecting these data.

Here, we manually extracted microbe-metabolite, microbe-target, and metabolite-target relationships in Human and Mouse from almost 400 publications. All of these relationships were experimentally validated in vivo or in vitro and measured by RT-qPCR, high performance liquid chromatography, 16S rRNA sequence, and so on.

Currently, users can

Download all manually curated relationships.
• Achieve relationships by browsing or searching.
Submit novel relationships to the gutMGene database.

  Release & Version

Jun 20, 2021, the gutMGene v1.0 was released.


Liang Cheng, Ph. D.
Chief Editor of Current Gene Therapy
Professor and PI of Harbin Medical University
Mail: liangcheng@hrbmu.edu.cn


Totally, 1,331 relationships between gut microbes, microbial metabolites, and genes in Human were manually extracted.

Type Number
Gut microbe 332
Metabolite 207
Gene 223
Relationship microbe-metabolite 724
microbe-target 298
metabolite-target 309

Totally, 2,349 relationships between gut microbes, microbial metabolites, and genes in Mouse were manually extracted.

Type Number
Gut microbe 209
Metabolite 149
Gene 544
Relationship microbe-metabolite 776
microbe-target 744
metabolite-target 829